Saturday, February 19, 2011

Low blood sugar reaction 2/19/2011

Wow. Dont you hate it when you wake up on a Saturday morning with a thousand things to do and the only thing you get accomplished that day is scaring a friend half to death by her having to force feed you pineapple juice, bread with peanut butter and honey, a corndog, some coffee and all she recieves out of the deal is stress and some silly responses?

Yeah you wake up at some point of this low blood sugar episode bathed in a cold sweat and your friend fluttering about your kitchen attempting to locate the juice you have so neatly stashed out of the way for episodes similar to this one.

Stay away low bloodsugars, Im pretty sure this reaction is an after effect of having a cold last week and my sugars were much much higher than usual, and Im more tired than usual- so I take a nap, only I dont check the bloodsugar before hand because I assume its high..... which is a possibility but should never never NEVER be assumed.

Its near impossible to make up the wasted time in dealing with a serious low, in fact you already know you are going to be feeling a bit out of it for the next couple of days. But one way to make up for it is to take this special friend out for a burger and a beer. Always need a reason to cherish friends right?

I have good people watching out for me, I thank you my friend!!!

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