Sunday, April 3, 2011

Skip a shot, not so fun

Skip a shot, not so fun, and Im not talking about a shot at the bar.

I had a tough day on Friday. It actually turned tough the night before when I realized I had forgotten to take my dose of long acting insulin the morning before. My sugars were running a bit high, and some shots of short acting insulin just didn't seem to be working..... That was the moment I realized exactly what my body was missing. Sigh. It is never a good idea to skip a medication, but the medication that is used to lower your sugar level and keep your body running is forgotten; it can have some serious consequences.

so Friday morning I take some insulin and struggle to get to work on time. I go in, make myself a cup of coffee then go sit at my desk and stare at said cup of coffee.......

Every coworker that walks in the door that morning "whoa, you don't look so good." then I get nauseous and have to go sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes or so..... I come back, extremely light headed and say I need to go home, just for an hour, until my sugar level comes down. Then I get even more dizzy and go lay down in our CAD room (where we keep our charts and maps) for another 20 minutes. Double sigh, I can see this is going to be an extremely productive day at work.

Eventually I get back to the house I am house sitting at, close my eyes for a few minutes then get up and put the laundry in the dryer (cuz I ran outta time this morning) and get dizzy and sit down. Then I take some stuff down to my truck, get dizzy, sit down. Start taking some stuff out of the fridge, get dizzy, lay down. It's almost lunch time and I have not eaten anything yet today. So I make myself a bowl of cereal, sit down and look at it until it gets soggy to eat it.... I'm not feeling so well, check sugar level and take some more short acting insulin.

It's cold in the house so I'm not having much luck napping for more than 10 minutes at a time. I decide to finish loading my stuff into my truck and move shop to my house where I will be more comfortable. After many light headed spells and rests, finally I am ready. I call work to let them know I do not plan on coming back in this day. Which is frustrating, as my sugar level is better now and I still have no strength and feel like crap.

So this is what its like to take a sick day!! I much rather would be working, but sugar is having a party in my blood stream and just won't settle down!!!!!!!!

On another note I have been following a meal plan on and blood sugars have been fantastic!! Hence that's most likely why my body is being SO sensitive to these higher sugar levels!

A word of advice, never skip medication. The older you get the deeper the consequences and the tougher it is to get back on track.

Try to take care of yourself!!!! (I am doing the best I know how and it still gets away from me at times) Challenging for sure.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

At a loss for words about hA1c

That was a rough weekend.

Stress and diabetes do not work so well together; first having the extreme low on Saturday then getting myself all worked up about an appointment to have my blood drawn on Tuesday morning. A diabetic should have their blood drawn on a regular basis(minimum every 6 months but preferably every 3) to make sure the HA1c is within normal range.

Only after living with diabetes for over 20 years; I get a little(okay a lot) of anxiety over a little needle in the(my) arm. Ive had some "bad experiences" but we wont dwell on that, at least not today. I get anxious just going into a hospital. So on Sunday, my voice decided to go out on me!!!!!!

First dealing with the low sugar, then I lose my voice for the rest of the weekend!!! I pinned it down again to the cold I had last week but after thinking about it today I realized I lost my words due to stress. Stress does strange things to a body, even more so for us who have to care for our diabetes.

So here's a deep breath, and a look forward to a calm week ahead, and the sugars are behaving better for the moment.

Oh and p.s. the blood draw went really well :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Low blood sugar reaction 2/19/2011

Wow. Dont you hate it when you wake up on a Saturday morning with a thousand things to do and the only thing you get accomplished that day is scaring a friend half to death by her having to force feed you pineapple juice, bread with peanut butter and honey, a corndog, some coffee and all she recieves out of the deal is stress and some silly responses?

Yeah you wake up at some point of this low blood sugar episode bathed in a cold sweat and your friend fluttering about your kitchen attempting to locate the juice you have so neatly stashed out of the way for episodes similar to this one.

Stay away low bloodsugars, Im pretty sure this reaction is an after effect of having a cold last week and my sugars were much much higher than usual, and Im more tired than usual- so I take a nap, only I dont check the bloodsugar before hand because I assume its high..... which is a possibility but should never never NEVER be assumed.

Its near impossible to make up the wasted time in dealing with a serious low, in fact you already know you are going to be feeling a bit out of it for the next couple of days. But one way to make up for it is to take this special friend out for a burger and a beer. Always need a reason to cherish friends right?

I have good people watching out for me, I thank you my friend!!!